"A GOOD MAN" Sheriff Ronnie Baldwin
The State of Arkansas, Cross County, The Arkansas Sheriff’s Association, and all Law Enforcement has lost a “Good Man”. Executive Director of the Arkansas Sheriff’s Association Ronnie Baldwin lost his battle with cancer on Sunday August 28, 2016.
Sheriff Baldwin is the ultimate advocate for the Sheriffs of Arkansas, I say is, not was, because the effect he had on Sheriff’s across the state will be everlasting. His dedication to serving every Sheriff in the state whether or not a particular sheriff was active in the association he would always take time to help solve any sheriff’s problems. He promoted the Office of Sheriff and strived to provide quality education for all Sheriff’s, Deputies, and Jail personnel whenever he could, and that was everyday he came to work.
Ronnie will be missed, However what he did and will continue to do in our hearts will be to always remind us that he not only fought for all 75 Sheriff’s Across this great state he fought for his fellow man.
At our last conference in July my wife Nancy sat down with Ronnie while we were at a Travelers game and began to talk with him about his battle with this terrible disease cancer. Being a medical professional my wife understood in a way I guess a layman would not as to the serious of his cancer. Later as she and I were watching the game she told me some of the things they discussed, The one thing that stood out to me was that despite all his accomplishments, the offices he held, the work he has done to improve law enforcement on the county level was that he wanted to be remembered as a “GOOD MAN”.
Ronnie My friend, I will not only remember you as a “GOOD MAN” but a Great, Great Friend, May God welcome you home and on behalf of the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office and our Deputies and Jailers our sincere condolences to Martha and the Baldwin Family.
Sheriff James Singleton
Hempstead County, Arkansas