Possible Theft
Possible Theft
At approximately 1700 hours on Friday August 17, 2018 HCSO Deputies were given a name and number to call in reference to possible water theft from the city well.
Deputies called and spoke with a person who represented of the City of Washington, who stated that approximately 1640 hours all of the City of Washington was without water.
The caller stated that her husband went to check on the pumps at the well and noticed a 3-4000-gallon tanker truck turning onto Highway 195 South from Highway 278 approximately 400 yards from the well.
The caller stated that she noticed the truck pass her house but did not get a description of the truck other than it has a silver tank with a platform on top. she stated that a white 1-ton pickup was with the truck also.
The caller requested that Deputies attempt to locate the truck to see if they were getting the water from the well. Deputies advised the caller that they would attempt to locate the vehicle.
Deputies drove from Washington to Fulton on Highway 195 South on Highway 73 from the intersection of Highway 278 to Hempstead 14, and were unable to locate the vehicle.