Battery 2nd Degree, Aggravated Assault
Patrick Vanwinkle
Battery 2nd Degree, Aggravated Assault
On 10-19-2018 at approximately 2115 hrs. Deputies arrested Patrick Vanwinkle at the southwest corner of the cemetery at the intersection of Hempstead 54 and 52. Patrick was detained for suspicion of battery 2nd on his pregnant girlfriend.
When deputy Dunham placed Patrick in the back of the patrol unit and headed back to the residence of the alleged crime at 143 Hempstead 54. Patrick spit through the wire mesh cage in the patrol unit and it hit deputy Dunham on the right ear and right side of neck neck.
While in route to the Hempstead County Detention Center Patrick became more and more agitated. Patrick verbally threatened Deputy Dunham and his family stating that he was going to send him and his family to hell. Patrick stated several times that he would remember the Deputy’s name and would be at his house once he was not incarcerated.
Patrick also stated that once he took the handcuffs off of him at the jail that he was going to hit him in the face. Patrick followed that up by stating that the deputy might die sooner than he thinks.
Patrick was charged with Domestic Battery 2nd Degree, Terroristic Threatening and Battery on a Police Officer.
He is awaiting a first court appearance.