Fatal House Fire
Office of the Sheriff
Hempstead County, Arkansas
James A. Singleton, Sheriff
Hempstead County Law Enforcement Center
312 South Washington
Hope, Arkansas 71801
Fatal House Fire
At approximately 0928 on 01/27/20, HCSO was dispatched to 146 Hempstead 188 in reference to a structure fire.
Upon arrival, the house was fully engulfed and had already collapsed.
Deputies spoke with Deatrice Henson. Deatrice was at the residence next door to the house fire. She stated that she heard a loud explosion and then another explosion. She stated that she was on the phone and then when she got off the phone, she looked out the window and saw the saw that the house was on fire and had collapsed.
Fulton and Guernsey Volunteer Fire Fighters extinguished the fire as deputies attempted to make contact with the property owner Evelyn Sampson and her son Anthony Sampson. Deputies were then advised by some family members that where on scene who advised they made contact with Anthony and he said that Evelyn was still at home when he left to go to work. Volunteer Fire Fighter Frankie Ingersoll then located a deceased person, believed to be Evelyn Sampson, face down in the house near the back door at the South West corner of the house. Hempstead County Coroner David Peters, and Investigator Jeremy McBride arrived and upon his arrival, Coroner Peters pronounced the time of death to be 1127 hours.
The body was sent to the Arkansas State Crime lab for positive identification and cause of death.